
Use a button to represent a user action— specifically, pressing it should perform an action on a page or document, rather than navigating a user elsewhere. These button styles are generally intended for content buttons rather than UI buttons. See below for UI buttons.

Design and redlines

<button class="pe-btn">Default</button>
<button class="pe-btn__cta">Call To Action</button>
<button class="pe-btn__primary--btn_xlarge">Primary</button>

Button groups

Button groups can be used in situations where several actions are closely related or you need to conserve space. pe-btngroup can be used to wrap the buttons you would like grouped together.

<div class="pe-btngroup">
<button class="pe-btn">First</button><button class="pe-btn">Second</button>
<div class="pe-btngroup">
<button class="pe-btn">First</button><button class="pe-btn">Second</button><button class="pe-btn">Third</button>


Button classes can be used with <div>, <span>, <a>, <button>, and <input> elements. But try very hard not to use button styles on divs, spans, or links.

Link Large Primary Link
<div class="pe-btn" tabindex="0" role="button">Div</div>
<a href="#void" class="pe-btn" role="button">Link</a>
<a href="#void" class="pe-btn__primary--btn_xlarge" role="button">Large Primary Link</a>
<button type="button" class="pe-btn">Button</button>
<input class="pe-btn" type="submit" value="Submit">
<button type="button" class="pe-link">Button</button>
<button type="button" class="pe-link--btn">Link button 2.0</button>
<button type="button" class="pe-link--btn" disabled>Disabled link button 2.0</button>


Buttons can be disabled when an action is not available to the user for the current context. Primary and call to action buttons have no disabled state.

<button class="pe-btn" disabled>Default</button>

For elements that do not support the disabled attribute, use pe-btn--disabled and aria-disabled.

Not a button
<div class="pe-btn pe-btn--disabled" aria-disabled="true">Not a button</div>


Buttons can be made smaller or larger.

<button class="pe-btn--btn_small">Small</button>
<button class="pe-btn__cta--btn_large">CTA Large</button>
<button class="pe-btn__primary--btn_xlarge">Primary xLarge</button>

Text overflow

When the width of the button's text exceeds the container width, it will be truncated with an ellipsis. However, you should generally avoid using long text strings with buttons.

<button class="pe-btn" style="max-width: 200px">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</button>

UI Buttons

Some buttons, such as "close" buttons or accordion toggles (so-called UI buttons) may in the design not match any of the above content buttons, but may only contain an icon (see icons documentation). The class pe-icon--btn removes default button styles such as padding or border, allowing the icon alone to represent the control.

Keep in mind that with just a loose icon, the context needs to make it clear to users that the icon represents a control rather than a decoration.

<button type="button" class="pe-icon--btn">
<svg role="img"

<title id="b1">Close dialog</title>
<use xlink:href="#remove-lg-24"></use>

Icon alignment inside buttons

With size-18 icon:

With size-24 icon:

<p>With size-18 icon:</p>
<button type="button" class="pe-btn--btn_small" aria-label="Start date">
Small with icon
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#calendar-18"></use>
<button type="button" class="pe-btn--btn_large pe-btn__cta" aria-label="End date">
CTA large with icon
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#calendar-18"></use>
<button type="button" class="pe-btn__primary--btn_xlarge" aria-label="Start date">
Primary xLarge with icon
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#calendar-18"></use>

<p>With size-24 icon:</p>
<button type="button" class="pe-btn--btn_small" aria-label="End date">
Small with icon
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#calendar-24"></use>
<button type="button" class="pe-btn--btn_large pe-btn__cta" aria-label="Start date">
CTA large with icon
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#calendar-24"></use>
<button type="button" class="pe-btn__primary--btn_xlarge" aria-label="End date">
Primary xLarge with icon
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#calendar-24"></use>