
Use tables to display tabular data. For simply laying things out in a visual grid form, use CSS instead (and ensure any focusables follow visual tab order if you do).

Tables should have either a heading above them, or a caption element, giving them their name/basic description.

Basic Tables

All tables will have:

Captions and toolbars

Any captions or toolbars, above or below tables, have a distance of 28px from the table. To ensure this, use the following class names:

If you're using an actual table <caption> tag in our pe-table table, the caption will be on top and already have the correct distance. For bottom captions, give the table the class pe-caption--bottom and its caption will do the right thing.

For actual separate elements (such as a heading tag instead of a caption tag, or a toolbar meant as table filtering controls), those elements need to be directly before or after the table in the code and use either class: pe-table-toolbar or pe-table-caption. The only reason there are 2 class names is because we plan pe-table-toolbars to have additional styles when a toolbar component is created.

Presidential Superheroes
Name Superpower(s) Battle Cry Team Nemesis
Franklin Pierce Dashing Good Looks, Waffler Extraordinaire "I shall Pierce my enemies!" Alcoholics Anonymous The Grim Reaper, Bum Knee
Ulysses S Grant Drinking, Fighting "Unconditional Surrender!" Alcoholics Anonymous Alcohol
Theodore Roosevelt Will of Steel, Friend to All the Animals "Bully!" Rough Riders Corporations, Trusts, Monopolies
William Howard Taft Immense mass "TAFT SMASH!" Skull and Bones Bathtubs
<table class="pe-table">
<caption>Presidential Superheroes</caption>
<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col">Superpower(s)</th>
<th scope="col">Battle Cry</th>
<th scope="col">Team</th>
<th scope="col">Nemesis</th>
<th scope="row">Franklin Pierce</th>
<td>Dashing Good Looks, Waffler Extraordinaire</td>
<td>"I shall Pierce my enemies!"</td>
<td>Alcoholics Anonymous</td>
<td>The Grim Reaper, Bum Knee</td>
<th scope="row">Ulysses S Grant</th>
<td>Drinking, Fighting</td>
<td>"Unconditional Surrender!"</td>
<td>Alcoholics Anonymous</td>
<th scope="row">Theodore Roosevelt</th>
<td>Will of Steel, Friend to All the Animals</td>
<td>Rough Riders</td>
<td>Corporations, Trusts, Monopolies</td>
<th scope="row">William Howard Taft</th>
<td>Immense mass</td>
<td>"TAFT SMASH!"</td>
<td>Skull and Bones</td>


You can change the alignments of the data. Here the caption is at the bottom of the table and aligned left. The Team column is centered. The value column is right-aligned.

Left align class name (default, this is only needed to override): pe-table__left Right align class name: pe-table__right Center align class name: pe-table__center

Supervillains of Propaganda
Name Country Team Net Worth (in bazillions)
(Keith) Rupert Murdoch Australia Foxxxy Foxes 13
William Randall Hearst United States Yellow Journalists 30
Mark Zuckerberg United States SpyFace 62
Mao Zedong China LAMAO 0
<table class="pe-table pe-caption--bottom">
<caption class="pe-table__left">Supervillains of Propaganda</caption>
<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col">Country</th>
<th scope="col" class="pe-table__center">Team</th>
<th scope="col" class="pe-table__right">Net Worth (in bazillions)</th>
<th scope="row">(Keith) Rupert Murdoch</th>
<td class="pe-table__center">Foxxxy Foxes</td>
<td class="pe-table__right">13</td>
<th scope="row">William Randall Hearst</th>
<td>United States</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">Yellow Journalists </td>
<td class="pe-table__right">30</td>
<th scope="row">Mark Zuckerberg</th>
<td>United States</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">SpyFace</td>
<td class="pe-table__right">62</td>
<th scope="row">Mao Zedong</th>
<td class="pe-table__center">LAMAO</td>
<td class="pe-table__right">0</td>

Selectable rows

Selectable-row tables require Javascript for full styling, so this example has a script to show the styles, however this script is not included in Elements.

Note the first table header is not visible (the top left cell looks empty), however in accordance with accessibility, this cell has text naming the column. The checkbox is named using aria-labelledby pointing to both the hidden column name and the name of the row item (using ids). For letting the checkbox remain clickable, there is still a label element, however the accessible name from the label is overridden by the aria-labellebdbys.

The Best Comics (sorry no Smurfs)
Comic Main characters Country of Origin

Spirou, Fantasio

(Robbedoes, Kwabbernoot)

Suske en Wiske

Suske, Wiske, Tante Sidonia, Krimson

(Bob, Bobette, Tante Sido, Crimson)

Lucky Luke Lucky Luke, Jolly Jumper, Rantanplan Belgium
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin, Hobbes, Suzy

(Casper, Hobbes, Inge)

United States
Asterix Asterix, Obelix, Panoramix France

Gaston Lagaffe, Fantasio, Jules-de-chez-Smith-en-face

(Guust Flater, Kwabbernoot, Joost-van-Smith-aan-de-overkant)

<table class="pe-table pe-table--selectable">
<caption class="pe-table__left">The Best Comics (sorry no Smurfs)</caption>
<th scope="col">
<div class="pe-checkbox" id="comic_select">
<input type="checkbox" id="comic_select_0">
<label for="comic_select_0">Select</label>
<span> &#8211; </span>
<th scope="col">Comic</th>
<th scope="col">Main characters</th>
<th scope="col">Country of Origin</th>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="c1" aria-labelledby="comic_select sel_Spirou">
<label for="c1"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_Spirou">Spirou</td>
<td><p>Spirou, Fantasio</p>
<p>(Robbedoes, Kwabbernoot)</p>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="c2" aria-labelledby="comic_select sel_sew">
<label for="c2"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_sew">Suske en Wiske</td>
<td><p>Suske, Wiske, Tante Sidonia, Krimson</p>
<p>(Bob, Bobette, Tante Sido, Crimson)</p>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="c3" aria-labelledby="comic_select sel_ll">
<label for="c3"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_ll">Lucky Luke</td>
<td>Lucky Luke, Jolly Jumper, Rantanplan</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="c4" aria-labelledby="comic_select sel_ch" checked>
<label for="c4"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_ch">Calvin and Hobbes</td>
<td><p>Calvin, Hobbes, Suzy</p>
<p>(Casper, Hobbes, Inge)</p>
<td>United States</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="c5" aria-labelledby="comic_select sel_ax">
<label for="c5"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_ax">Asterix</td>
<td>Asterix, Obelix, Panoramix</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="c6" aria-labelledby="comic_select sel_guus">
<label for="c6"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_guus">Gaston</td>
<td><p>Gaston Lagaffe, Fantasio, Jules-de-chez-Smith-en-face</p>
<p>(Guust Flater, Kwabbernoot, Joost-van-Smith-aan-de-overkant)</p>

Sortable columns

Tables with sortable columns will have controls for sorting in the table headers, represented by the sorting icons. These tables also require JavaScript to do anything. No JavaScript is present on this page for demonstration.

While there are multiple sortable (or sorted) columns in this fake example, on a real table, only one table header may have the aria-sort attribute on it at any time. If the table is presented to the user as sortable but no columns are pre-sorted, it's okay to have aria-sort="none" on one of the columns. Once a column has been clicked to sort, that column header has aria-sort attribute with the value of what kind of sort was done, and no other column headers have the attribute at all anymore (even if they happen not to lose their sorted-ness).

Sort Supervillains From Best To Worst

Name Country Team Net Worth (in bazillions)
Mark Zuckerberg United States SpyFace 62
William Randall Hearst United States Yellow Journalists 30
(Keith) Rupert Murdoch Australia Foxxxy Foxes 13
Mao Zedong China LAMAO 0
<h3 class="pe-table-caption">Sort Supervillains From Best To Worst</h3>
<table class="pe-table pe-table--active-headers">
<th scope="col" aria-sort="ascending" class="pe-table__sortable">
<button type="button" class="pe-icon--btn">
<svg role="img"

<title id="s1">Sorted ascending</title>
<use xlink:href="#sort-up-18"></use>
<th scope="col">
<th scope="col" class="pe-table__center pe-table__sortable">
<button type="button" class="pe-icon--btn">
<svg role="img"

<title id="s2">Unsorted</title>
<use xlink:href="#sortable-18"></use>
<th scope="col" class="pe-table__right pe-table__sortable">
<span>Net Worth (in bazillions)</span>
<button type="button" class="pe-icon--btn">
<svg role="img"

<title id="s3">Sorted Descending</title>
<use xlink:href="#sort-down-18"></use>
<th scope="row">Mark Zuckerberg</th>
<td>United States</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">SpyFace</td>
<td class="pe-table__right">62</td>
<th scope="row">William Randall Hearst</th>
<td>United States</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">Yellow Journalists </td>
<td class="pe-table__right">30</td>
<th scope="row">(Keith) Rupert Murdoch</th>
<td class="pe-table__center">Foxxxy Foxes</td>
<td class="pe-table__right">13</td>
<th scope="row">Mao Zedong</th>
<td class="pe-table__center">LAMAO</td>
<td class="pe-table__right">0</td>

Sortable-selectable example

Here, you didn't realise but while the Prez numbers go up, the sort is "descending" because it's being sorted by time in milliseconds!! (Pets cat, dismisses minions, laughs evilly.)

The Bestus Presidents
Name Prez number Party name
Quincy (His Rotundedness) 6 Democratic-Republican
Mallard Fillmore 13 Whig/Know-Nothing
Garfield 20 Republican
Grover 22/24 Democratic
Silent Cal 30 Republican
Nixon Always Wins! 37 Republican
<table class="pe-table pe-table--selectable pe-table--active-headers">
<caption>The Bestus Presidents</caption>
<th scope="col">
<div class="pe-checkbox" id="prez_select">
<input type="checkbox" id="prez_select_0">
<label for="prez_select_0">Select</label>
<span> &#8211; </span>
<th scope="col">Name</th>
<th scope="col" aria-sort="descending" class="pe-table__sortable">
<span>Prez number</span>
<button type="button" class="pe-icon--btn">
<svg role="img"

<title id="sort1">Sorted descending</title>
<use xlink:href="#sort-down-18"></use>
<th scope="col">Party name</th>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="p1" aria-labelledby="prez_select sel_quinc">
<label for="p1"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_quinc">Quincy (His Rotundedness)</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">6</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="p2" aria-labelledby="prez_select sel_mallard">
<label for="p2"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_mallard">Mallard Fillmore</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">13</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="p3" aria-labelledby="prez_select sel_garfunkel">
<label for="p3"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_garfunkel">Garfield</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">20</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="p4" aria-labelledby="prez_select sel_grover">
<label for="p4"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_grover">Grover</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">22/24</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="p5" aria-labelledby="prez_select sel_scal">
<label for="p5"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_scal">Silent Cal</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">30</td>
<div class="pe-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="p6" aria-labelledby="prez_select sel_nix">
<label for="p6"> </label>
<svg aria-hidden="true"

<use xlink:href="#check-sm-18"></use>
<td id="sel_nix">Nixon Always Wins!</td>
<td class="pe-table__center">37</td>